

I recently discovered skinny-proof coffee and I love it.

It tastes amazing and is such a healthy energy boost that provides a lot of nutrition too.

How convenient and awesome to have portable energy shots. Double duty of slimming your body using the same recipe.

In addition to being healthy energy shots and super slimming nibbles, they have the added benefit of grass fed gelatin, which is healthy and nourishing for so many reasons!


  • 2 packets of SlimROAST coffee prepared in 16 oz. hot water.
  • 1 TBSP grass fed butter
  • 1TBSP Organic coconut oil
  • 1TBSP organic vanilla extract
  • 5 TBSP grass fed gelatin
  • Optional: 1 tablespoon collagen powder
  • Sweeten to taste with stevia or honey


Blend all in your blender until mixed well and frothy. Pour into candy molds and put in the fridge until set (time varies from 20 minutes to 2 hours). Pop out of the molds and store in a baggy or jar until you are ready to eat them. These travel very well and provide a quick energy boost, appetite control, and fat burning, along with healthy fats and protein!