by Anthony Hendrickson

The best way to Create Culture in you Network Marketing Team using Facebook Groups

If you are trying to to improve your results or engagement from your Network Marketing Team by using your Facebook Group?

There are many thing that you can do, but I will give you a couple of suggestions.

Have you started a Facebook group or have you thought about starting a group for you for your Team?  I think this is a thought many of us have had.

How do you build the proper culture for your team if you may not be the one running you Team page?

Culture is what you will have to bring.

I would go about this two ways…

There is such a thing as starting a Team Group to soon. 

The first thing, I would have to touch on is that I think that some people do start a team group to prematurely.

I have seen this numerous times.  If your sponsor tells you, most reps will see this as a more of a liability than a freedom.  “Are you saying that I can’t handle it? “  is what most people feel that they are saying…

What you need to hear is.

From an outside source such as myself since I’m not your up line or even in your team.  I can confidently tell you that from my experience I have seen too many people start team groups too soon.

Whatever you do, shows your people what they think that they are supposed to do as well.

If you have a team of four to six people and you start a group for your team then that will make your team think that they should do the same thing when they reach four, five to six people.

  1. There is more to be said about culture than one group.

I think the other thing that you need to keep in mind is that culture is more than one group.  There can be many activities to make up culture.  Charity events are a part of culture, early morning meet ups are a part part of Culture.  Even recognizing confirmations can be a part of the culture.

So, just because you put the group together doesn’t mean that this is the culture for the entire company there can be many groups within the company with their own type of culture and all of these together make up the culture of the entire team as well as organization.

People need to be appreciated and feel a connection.

All they need is LOVE!

As people start to join your team make sure that they feel welcomed with open arms.  Make sure that you explain to them what your group is all about and just how they can as well as can not use it.  This group can be used as a valuable resource for them.

I’ve seen several examples of this with their groups and people and I have even seen others do it and I’ve had it done to me to whether if it was intentional or not?  When I’m with family or friends I like to take a lot of photos.  Some I post others right away and some I save for a later date.

Then once and a while every month or so maybe I will go through my phone and randomly send photos to people.  “Hey just a little reminder I found this picture and I hope that you’re doing well!!!”

I always love to look back it’s fun to see they good times that you had and I think other people appreciate it too.

It’s the title things like that which most people wan to own that they are Loved.

I don’t recommend that you focus in only business in your group.

Things like…. Here’s a money making machine, Here is how you level up, have you memorized the entire book of copy!  You make it all about work!   

This might sway the group one direction and one direction only if it’s just work, work, work…

Most splines, they like to have a five percent, they train about five percent they think five percent are happy thats just how that think.

Forcing Engagement is not a good thing

If you are being very active on social media and actively prospecting and recruiting people then there will be a lot of people relaying on culture inside your group.   So then the culture would rely on what is happening inside the group organically, not trying to make if seemed forced one way or the other.

I have been in some groups were the leader or sponsor will actually asked for more engagement and that can be a little awkward to even weird.

What they don’t know if them trying to make the group what the leaders want it to be is really not the personality of the group if’s a fabricated version.

I have witnessed a lot of people either being forced into a certain way of interesting that is not their own and it never seems to pan out in the end.

Goals should be set, but don’t set expectations to High especially right away. 

If you have already started a group on Facebook and now you look at it and think that it may have been too soon I would suggest that you don’t expect to much.

The main thing that you want is growth in the group, not necessarily the engagement that takes place, because it’s will not necessarily  just happen.

I have seen people that are like, “I have this group and the engagement is down and I can get anyone to comment, and no now is doing anything inside of it.”

It could have to do with the number of people in the group?  If you were able to get 10 people in there then you can get 100 people in there so get 100 then the chase of engagement goes up.

At the end of the day Engagment isn’t the end goal, engagement should be…. It makes sense for them to and they should use  it to their advantage and feel comfortable, because they feel cool just to know that they are there!

How to do Culture

I’m sure all of you are in some type of a group that has a ridiculous amount of engagement, and part of the reason why it is would have to be acknowledgment in the group.

Groups that acknowledge their members see all kinds of activity.  Weather if it’s prizes, rank advances in the group, or even just announcing new members helps to get things moving and makes people feel welcome.

If you have a rep that advances to another rank rt wins a trip these are all reason to be able to celebrate an during your group closer together.

People want to be Loved at Every Rank

You have to know your people and what exactly they want or what they desire, or what just makes them feel good.

It could be a simple as telling them that they are valued in this group, or that you care about them, or if hey are having something gong on in their personal life  sometimes it’s just asking them about it and telling them that you’re concerned or offer help all of these things go along way.

Although they are more than likely part of your team just letting them know “regardless of the business that they are still important to you and the company as well as our relationship.”

Some leaders will only compliment other leaders, but in my opinion you should treat everyone with the same respect no matter what rank that they are.

I’m a big fan of John C. Maxwell and I once heard him say that made sense to me was, “As soon as you stop loving the people that you are serving, stop serving the people that you’ve fallen out of love with”.

I think he’s basically saying, take yourself out of leadership unless you love your people and who you’re serving.  That is a very powerful statement.

No matter what they bring to the table of no matter how large of a leader they are of what their ambitions are they need to be loved.

Does every gym owner expect the same out of every member?  Does the pastor expect everyone to be held to the same standard in the community?  Everyone is cared for at whatever level that they are at.

The result of the level of desire is doesn’t should not matter.


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More resources fo you:

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