I wanted to share these quick tips with you when it comes to stepping out of your comfort zone. Here’s compiled a list of things YOU can do to be a little more adventurous, a little more confident, and a little more excited about the things going on in your life!

First way to start stepping out of your normal routine

1. Start 1 winning daily habit per month

Each month, pick up a new habit that will set you up for success in your day-to-day life! Whether that’s getting up an hour earlier, making a better financial decision, or whatever is a winning habit for you – try something out that could make your routine that much better!

Second way to start to do things differently

2. Choose 1 thing to define your year – every year!

Are you going to a big event? Working towards a specific goal? Meditating on a feeling like peace, gratitude, or resilience? Choose something, whether its an upcoming conference or a state of mind, to define your year. Time goes by so fast, and it’s important to make each and every day worth something.

Third recommendation to go out of your way intentionally

3. Put something on your calendar every 8 weeks that you wouldn’t normally do

Every 8 weeks, schedule something that pushes you out of your comfort zone. Never been to a networking event? Grab some business cards and head over to one! Not one for running marathons? Try out a 5k and see where it takes you! Trying something new is an amazing way to boost your self-confidence because it allows you to prove to yourself that, yes, you can do anything you set your mind to.

So try something new! Push yourself out of your comfort zone and see what can be possible. You never know what can happen when you go after the life you want!