

Refreshing The Right Goals For YOU in 2020!

The new year is already over halfway over as we sail through 2020 (and aย whole new decade!) calls for new goals since all kinds of unforeseen things have happened to many of us.


How can you be sure that you’re setting the right goals for yourself? I’ve refreshing a few resolutions you can try out that will bring the most value to your life!


Refreshing The Right Goals For YOU in 2020! Learn a new skill

1. Learn a new skill

Boost your skillset and resolve to learn something new this year. Try out a language learning app, take a class, or just commit to spending some time each day learning something that will help you in the future.

Refreshing The Right Goals For YOU in 2020! Book all of your appointments

2. Book all of your appointments

If you know you have recurring doctors, dentists, and haircut appointments, set them up in the beginning of the year!

Take some time to schedule all of these appointments for yourself and spread them out across the year so you can always be ahead of the game.

Refreshing The Right Goals For YOU in 2020! Stop multitasking

3. Stop multitasking

Commit to only focusing your attention on one thing at a time.

Multitasking can be great in a pinch, but completing one task before moving onto the next is a great way to get your best work done and avoid feeling overwhelmed or scattered.

Refreshing The Right Goals For YOU in 2020! Create a budget

4. Create a budget

Avoid financial stress as much as possible and set up a budget for the new year.

Give yourself a little room for emergencies or extra expenses, and maybe even start saving more money!

Refreshing The Right Goals For YOU in 2020! Schedule time for you

5. Schedule time for you

If it has to go on the calendar to get done, then do it. Pencil in your “me-time” and keep it as a sacred spot in your schedule that no one can move from you. In order to keep working hard, you have to give yourself a break now and then. Make sure your self care doesn’t fall to the wayside this year.