Last week I shared how I take one Piece of Content and syndicate it to 16 different platforms.

I call this my Weekly Method of Operation (WMO).

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป You can check out my entire content library (or ask me anything) by using #askanthonymarkhendrickson in the search or check out my Blog (which is updated daily) at

As you may recall I did this visually using a simple white board for you to follow along. Now this week I want to show you EXACTLY how I do it LIVE with an over the shoulder look on my computer while I do it.

So now image taking one simple piece of video content and repurposing it to 16 different platforms having more than enough content to disperse to all major Social Media platforms all the way to Google Home, and Amazonโ€™s Alexa!!!

Have you ever wanted to use 1 piece of content and be able to make it go farther than you ever thought possible?

This precise strategy is exactly what you’ve been looking for!!!
This method started out as the Octo -Content Model ( 8 platforms ) and now has evolved into 16 different platforms that all of the content is uploaded natively to assure the highest quality results.
I pull back the curtain and leave no stone unturned as I walk you through every single platform that I post on, what I post as well as how.
This particular syndication strategy has taken me the majority of 2020 (Kungflu Season ๐Ÿ˜ท) to put together and start perfecting.