By Anthony Hendrickson
Do you ever find yourself struggling with what to say and how to reach out to strangers on social media?
Here I share exactly how to reach out and connect with people you don’t know and get less resistance and more people to join your team.
How to Prospect People You Don’t Even Know on Social Media
I will start with the ladies first, then I will talk to the guys.
Let’s say I try to connect with you, and we have never met. I would start by saying something to build rapport.
I would start with something like, “Hey I checked out your Facebook Profile and I saw a picture of your amazing family. I just wanted to say congratulations on having such a great family. How are you doing?”
Now before getting to deep and personal I want you to think about this differently, I want to ask this question.
Is that last sentence seem like something that you have heard before or even something that other people doing training have told you to use? Is it at least similar? Or does it seem made up? Am I just pulling that one out of left field?
“Hey I checked out your Facebook Profile and I saw a picture of your amazing family. I just wanted to say congratulations on having such a great family. How are you doing?”
Now, just stop for a second. Let’s forget that that’s even a form of training.
I want you to be honest with yourself and just ask yourself to be honest right now. If I was to reach out to you and we don’t know each other.
Ladies, I reach out to connect wit you, and I say, “Hey I checked out your Facebook Profile and I saw a picture of your amazing family. I just wanted to say congratulations on having such a great family. How are you doing?”
What are you thinking at that moment? At first from you gut feeling what are you thinking?
Most ladies would think along the lines of:
- “What does this guy want? What does he want from me? Why on earth is this person messaging me? Is he creeping in my window as we speak?
Creeper, Heebie Jeebies, Creeper McCreeperson…
Guys, I reach out to you, Hey, Bruh… I see you love to get the Traeger out and do some smoking, buddy. That’s awesome! I love to do that too. How long have you been into doing that?
What’s the guys thinking?
- “What do you want?”
Marketers Ruin Everything
I have heard Gary Vaynerchuk say this numerous times, “Marketers Ruin Everything”
- “Marketers Ruin Everything” – Gary Vaynerchuk
Absolutely True.
I don’t agree with everything that he says of how that he says it, but this is absolutely true.
Do you remember when you first got Facebook, and someone messaged you and you were like, “Hey, how are you doing?” You’re like fine. Thanks for asking, Pal. “Because it was new. You didn’t know the proper educate of how social media worked. You didn’t understand spam or creep you profile and creep you right out? ha ha
Offline Example of Prospecting
I’m going to give you a suggestion. At first, if this is your first time hearing anyone talk about this kind of stuff, at first you’re going to be like, Whoa… you’re not going to be sure.
Let me just as you this question. Let’s get out of social media land for a bit and back to the real world, and lets say that we are at a party. Sound good? We don’t know each other.
What if I was so bold, what if I was so bold, and asked this question:
- Hey, I was talking to some people and they were telling me that you’re a realtor.Congrats on that. Realtor is a great profession.
- Hey, Listen. I have a strange question for you, and I know that we don’t know each other, but I’m just curious/ . I actually happen to work with other realtors, and I have no idea if this would be something that you would be into or not, but I work with other realtors to show them how to make some extra money. And, I would love to show you some information if you would be okay with that. If you’re not ok with that, totally cool I just thought that I would ask.
- Once again I know I mentioned this before and we don’t know each other so I’m totally okay if you’re not cool with it, but if you are I’d love to… not here at the party, but I’d love to connect and follow up with you, and see if you would be open to take a look at what I’m doing? Again I’m not offended if you’re not, thats totally cool.”
Would you be offended if I positioned it that way? If you’re open to it, great If not, not a big deal at all.
I said, “I know this is kind of weird because we don’t really know each other.”
If I positioned it that way, would you say. “How dare you insult me that way?” How dare you bring up something like that at a social gathering?” Or, you might say no? You might say, “I’m really focus on what I’m currently doing and I don’t have other time to take away from that.
I said, “Oh my bad. Totally cool. Rock it out. Hey if I have a referral for you, I’ll bring it your way!
Would that be weird, Would you be like, I can’t believe that he did that?”
I think that approach is pretty straightforward and shouldn’t really offend anyone.
Now, you may not be open. Don’t get me wrong here. You’re not going to get a no matter what you say, you’re not going to get 100% of the people to say, ‘Yes I am open. Let’s kget this done. Here is my credit card.” That will not happen no matter what you say.
How to Prospect on Social Media
We’re back to the world of Social Media, now! This how we take over social media island!
Ladies, I reach out to you and I say the same scenario.
I see that you’re a realtor. Listen, I know that you don’t know me. “Let’s address what everyone is thinking. You don’t know me okay?
“Hey, I see that you’re a realtor, I know that you don’t know me, but I currently do a lot of work with realtors.” Create sine relate ability there, some kind of connection or common ground.
“I work with a lot of realtors, I’m just wanted to throw this out there. Would you be at all open to taking a look at what it is that I do with other realtors to help make them extra money on the side without interfering with what they’re currently doing? If you’re not, totally cool, I totally understand. Again, I know that we don’t know each other, but would you be open to take a look at what it is I that I’m doing with other realtors? If you are great. If you’re not, then thats not a big deal either I totally understand. ”
Would that still be creepy?
Would you be like, “What do you want?” I just told you what I want.
Now, would everyone say yes? Of course not that would be ridiculous, no matter what you say. Not everyone is going to say yes all of the time. Never going to happen. No one ever has.
Would dit be creepy or would it be more efficient? Could I connect and prospect more people if I went about it that way?
Again, you just need to see if they would be open, and then give them an out.
Don’t Spend So Much Time Rapport Building
If you’re good at rapport building then popping the question in a reasonable amount of time, and getting your results… Than keep it up!
If you find yourself building rapport forever, never getting to the real question, and not getting any results, then maybe try this method out.
It’s a numbers game, but boy it can be a tough numbers game if you spend months and months building rapport and doing favors that are never returned.
I’m here to tell you that if you go about things the right way you can get to where you’re going much faster.
Here is what I’m not tryin to say..
I’m NOT saying “Hey I don’t know you at all. Here is my link and you should totally join! ” That is the exact way that you don’t want to go about it!
You still have to see if they’re open, and then give them an out.
Bring up the elephant in the room, and then have some relate ability. If they’re in the same profession then use that as a topic of conversation or a reference point.
See if they are open then give them an out!
You would be surprised how many time that this comes up in an initial message and people decide to move ahead with it. If they don then thats totally okay!
What you will find is that fewer and fewer people in this world are charismatic enough to hold the level of conversation to even have small talk. Most people only carry conversations when they have to.
If you happen to be introverted then good for you since this will probably be way easier for you. you have to say less and then just get to the point! the sooner the better and when it comes down to it use a ready for you tool such as a video and let that build the rapport.
Get straight to the point!!!
Even if someone thinks that they are super cool and they use these creepy compliments, they’re going to analyze what they say and still think, man I got a creepy vibe from that guys even though he was tryin to compliment me. I’m pretty sure it’ not worth using these creepy tactics for six months until they decide to to buy.
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Anthony Hendrickson
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