

Motivation can be tough to hold onto. When you have it, you’re ready to take on the world. But when you’re running low, it can feel like you’ll never get back in the swing of things.

These are my tips for unblocking myself when I’m feeling stuck in a rut!

1. Check your diet!

Your diet impacts your motivation and productivity SO much more than you know. If you’ve been feeling sluggish and slow, take a look at what you’ve been fueling your body with lately.
Could you be making healthier choices that will propel you towards the life you really want?
As hard as it is sometimes, when I take added sugars out of my diet and eat more organic, natural foods, I feel an immediate increase in positivity and motivation.

2. Extend your morning routine

Motivation takes a BIG dip for me when I let too many outside sources into my thought process, especially early in the day.
My morning routine is a commitment I make to myself every day, but when I know I need a little extra clarity, I will schedule it to go longer whenever I can.
I use that quiet time to write, read, meditate or do anything that will make me feel more prepared for the oncoming day.

3. Get more sleep

I. Love. Sleep.
When I’m feeling a little low on the motivation side, I know I probably need to get more rest.
Adjust your schedule to let you get an extra hour or two so you can be prepared to take on the day without grogginess.

4. Check in on someone else

When Iโ€™m down, Iโ€™ve found that a good way to get back up is to find someone else to help.
I liked to reach out and connect with people to see how theyโ€™re doing so I can maybe find a way to be helpful that will make me feel better as well.
Ask someone “is there anything I can help you with?” and really mean it.

5. Return to your “why”

Take a moment to reflect on your “why”.
Why are you doing the things you do?
What do you love about your work, and who are you doing this work for?
Returning to my “why” and taking a moment to immerse myself in it always brings me back to a mindset of motivation.
If you need a reminder, write down your “why” on a sticky note and leave it on your mirror.
Leave it in your car.
Leave it anywhere you want so you can remember the reason behind all your hard work!