The world is full (as in, to-the-brim full) of unorganized people.
They forget to CC you on the email.
They forget what time to pick up the kids.
They forget how to get your coffee order right…again.
Your first response to these people may be frustration, confusion, or even anger.
But is that whatโ€™s really bothering you?
This person is not you, and their level of disorganization is not whatโ€™s going to make or break your life.
Pro tip: How to Deal with the disorganized by getting organized with your priorities. Here are a few ideas:

1. Say something nice to yourself about yourself

At the End of the day, you need to look out for #1. That doesn’t mean tearing someone else down in the process.
Take a minute to give yourself a compliment โ€” a genuine compliment, to remind yourself of the difference a little kindness can make.

2. Do something nice for a disorganized person

When you level up your mind by being kind to yourself, you have a much greater ability to be kind to others.
You already know that the person in questions seems to be struggling to not drop the ball…so help them out if you can.
Ask them what they need and see how you can support them. You can’t make someone get it all together, but showing them the appeal is a fantastic start.

3. Plan your next reaction

This is a challengeย  that you know will always come up, so what will you choose to do next time it happens?
Visualize your response for the next time you’re faced with disorganized people, and create an alternative plan of action.
You’re less likely to jump straight to frustration if you’ve already prepared for the obstacle!