Creating you Greeting Text in ManyChat doesn’t have to be hard, and it is a crucial part of setting up you ManyChat Bot. This video walks you through the process from start to finish and it doesn’t take much time at all. The welcome message will be the first thing that your new subscribers see so I always tell everyone to be transparent that this is a bot, and not a real person.

The objective of your bot is to see how you can help you new subscriber, and to try to get them the result that they are looking for sooner than later. This process needs to be done and this video will walk you through form start to finish. The welcome message is essentially your front door so you will want it to be something that is fun and engaging, and wants your new subscribers to go to the next step with you! Photo’s, GIF’s as well as emoji’s call all be helpful while interacting.



Level 1 Octo Conversation Kit Video