Are you looking to get more comments and views on your next Video? 

Today I’m going to show you how to script your videos to get higher engagement, and views and social media ranking

I implemented a small change to my scripting and it resulted with a huge difference in views . (Along with other factors) 

Including being very competitive in ranking, and keywords.  Tune in for this short Video to see how it’s done!!!  

Creating A Video Script Template

 The Hook 

Writing a script to get high Engagment is mission number one.  More retention, higher rankings, and drive more views through search.  

How do you write an entire script to get massive engagement with likes, comments and new subscribers?  

That is what I want to touch on today here step by step. 


The Hot Intro – Step # 1

The Hot Intro!  This is short for Hook, Outcome, and Testimonial.  

Hook- Getting the audiences attention right off the bat make them want to stay tuned in.  

Outcome – Telling them exactly what they are going to get out of the video by the end of watching it. 

Since the idea is to produce content so that the viewers want to stay until the end.  

Testimonial – If you are an Entrepreneur, or some sort of expert of any kind giving people the kind of reason to trust your experience.  

Use examples of the 10’s, 100’s or 1000’s of people that you have helped in whatever way that you helped them.  

This can be in social media, or in a brick and mortar depending on what your expertise is in.  

So that is the entire HOT Into  

(Hook, Outcome, Testimonial)

If you’re just getting started and you don’t have the outcome or testimonial part yet. 

Then you want to make sure that you don’t for get the hook.  The hook is what is going to get the attention of your views immediately, and make them want to watch your entire video.  

The Hook is vital!  

The easiest way to do this is starting off your video with something that make them think holy smokes I need to watch this!!!  

The other way that I would recommend would be to start with the most interesting piece of footage, and then work backwards through the story until you get back to the exciting piece that you started with.  

Now everyone knows that something exciting is coming and you will lead them all the way back to the end of the video. 

Creating A Video Script Template

Asking for what you want Step #2

Step number two for writing a high engagement script is asking for what you want.  

You want people to Subscribe, Like, or Follow and you also want people to hit the bell notification button so that they are notified whenever you’re active on YouTube etc… 

This includes going live when you post new content, or anything else.  

You want to build your tribe,  The only way to do that is to remember that not everyone uses social media on a daily basis.  

So you need to tell them what to do.  

At the beginning of the video after you’ve hooked your viewers, ask them to like comment, or subscribe!   

Creating A Video Script Template

Step number three is the meat – Step #3

Think of it being similar to a ham sandwich without the ham.  That would be pretty boring.  

Meat is so important and you want to get to it as soon as possible.  

Whether if it’s a tutorial or a blog post you want to get to the main storytelling or the steps as soon as you can.  

The meat matters so much the sooner you can get there the better.  T

he faster this happens the fast er people will engage with your content, and this will make them want to stay until the end.  

Creating A Video Script Template

Step number four is middle engagement. – Step #4

So keep your questions simple because again,  not everyone uses daily.  

You need to warm people up.  

You need to get them over the hump of actually engaging on social media.  

What I like to do, and how I rack up tons of comments on my videos, I ask something really simple.  

For example, in this video I’m going to as you right now, is the scripting process making sense?  

If it is, write, makes sense in the comments below.  👇👇👇

I know a few of you are going to do that, which thank you for doing it, and if you’ve written making sense.  

Then it makes then more comfortable to write more comments throughout the entire video, and also video’s in the future too!  

You’ve asked them to subscribe at the beginning.  That’s one piece of engagement.  

Then, you’re asking them a question in middle to keep them drawn into you and keep them engaged in your content.  

Plus, up your engagement by getting more comments on your videos, so if you’re craving engagement.  

This is a simple thing to do in your scripts to make sure that people are actually going to comment on your content.  

Creating A Video Script Template

Step number five is your Outro Engagment -Step #5

You want to make sure that before people leave their video, they are engaging with you.  

You want to make sure that before people leave your video, they are engaging with you.  

There’s a couple of things that you can do to help this process.  

One, you want to ask them if they liked it.  Dislike if they disliked it… after all a dislike is still a piece of Engagment, and it gets people to interact with your content, and they will probably even be back for more.  

Ask them to Like Comment, or Subscribe one more time if they enjoyed the content.  

Tell them there’s a new content coming up so that they have something to look forward to!  

As them to share it with something that it would be beneficial to.  

Another way to increase your Engagment through your script is to ask a question, and then include that question in another video or in the cards above.  

Right in this point of the video would be a great time to add and reference a card that you would insert above.  

Again, remember that this is not a monologue.  Boring social media videos are people talking at you.  

Great social media videos with super high Engagment have scripts that engage with the audience and make you feel like you’re having a conversation and a dialogue.  

Creating A Video Script Template

Step number six is, ask your viewers out! – Step #6

I know this might sound kind of forward, but it works.  

You want to ask your views to join you somewhere else.  What happens is that someone finds your video on social media, they think it’s super entertaining, and think it’s really swell obviously because you’re swell, but then they forget about you! 

There’s too much content online much less social media, so what you need to do is to make sure that you’re sending them somewhere where you can further build a relationship.  

Of Course you’re going to chat back with them in the comments, but also send them to, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook or your website the possibilities are endless!!!  

Use these other platforms to build your other social media platforms and vice versa.  

Please what ever you do just don’t forget to send them somewhere because your viewers want to follow you and build a relationship with you.  

Step one is you need to make sure to take the first step, and ask them out.