
It’s safe to say that if you are going to consume a Greenish looking beer there is not better say other than St. Patrick’s Day to consume green food coloring and celebrate your Irish Heritage. For others maybe just celebrate like you have a long ancestry of family lineage going back to the days of St. Patrick himself!!! 

So I’m not sure about you, and this year was way better for me personally than the last 12 years. What do you do when you LET the Irish out on St. Paddy’s Day, (or any special day or holiday) and Hangover Monday comes around and reality sets in?

If you look below I have attached a couple of photos of what St. Patrick’s Day looked like for me last year which actually was pretty tame compared to pervious years at a little Establishment in Downtown Fargo.  I used to spend over 100 hours a week while operating a business that used to make St. Paddy’s Day a really BIG deal every year with a Parade and all!!!

Anyway now that the Service Industry is in my rear view mirror I was able to spend the weekend in Bismarck with my family. Celebrating my younger brothers birthday / St. Paddy’s Day / A Little Spring Cleaning, and I found it much more enjoyable than a 23 hour work day on top of a more hectic 2 weeks or so in preparation, and then the clean up afterwards!!!

I was even able to take my nice to a great movie on Saturday Afternoon as well!!!

So now I realize that this is not only a huge change of pace for myself, but it is for my body as well.  Normally sitting here in a Monday after St. Paddy’s Day I would be exhausted and not wanting to move. Although like a lot of other people possibly feeling hungover or close to it from being overworked or maybe indulging in a ABUNDANCE of Green Beer!!!

So what I decided to put together was a little reading material on how to deal with the days after acting like we have some deep Irish Roots!

7 Hangover Steps to Cure Your Irish Blues… (or greens)

  1. Hair of the Dog –  Drinking to ease the symptoms of a hangover is sometimes called taking the hair of the dog, or hair of the dog that bit you!   The notion is that hangover s are a form of alcohol withdraw. So a drink or two will ease the pain.  This is often only used by the experienced drinkers who are usually fairly committed to their skill and passion for sitting at their bar stool.

  2. Drink Fluids –  Alcohol promotes urination because it inhabits the release of vasopressin, a hormone that decreases the volume of the urine made by the kidneys.  If your hangover includes diarrhea, sweating, or vomiting, you may be even more dehydrated!    Although nausea can make it difficult to get anything down. Even just a few sips of water might help you feel better.  All hydrating liquids are better than non even if they don’t seem to be helping anything especially right at that moment.  Just keep going and get those fluids down!!  I recently found this again on my latest trip to Guatemala. Where this seemed to be everywhere click HERE to check out this hydrating secret that I  was reconnected with!

  3. Get some carbs in to your system.  –  Drinking may lower blood sugar levels, so theoretically some of the fatigue and headaches of a hangover may be from a brain working without enough of it’ s main fuel.  Moreover, many people forget to eat when they are drinking, or they already feel they are drinking their calories.  Toast and juice are both great ways to nudge levels back to normal.  Comfort food is alway a natural go to, and if that is an option then out out this HERE ti may come in handy.

  4. Avoid Darker-colored Alcohol Beverages – Experiments have shown that clear liquors. Such as vodka or gin, tend to cause hangovers less frequently than the dark ones, such asa whiskey, red wine or even Tequila.  The main form in alcoholic beverages is ethanol, but the darker liquors contain chemically related compounds. (congeners) Including methanol as well.  The direct effect does depend on the makeup of each individual as well.

  5. Take a pain reliever, but NOT Tylenol.  – Aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin, and other brands) other non-steroidal  anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) may help with the headache and the overall achy feelings.  NSAIDS though may irritate a stomach already irritated by alcohol.  Don’t take acetaminophen (Tylenol).  If alcohol is lingering in your system it may accentuate toxic effects in the liver.

  6. Drink Coffee or Tea – Caffeine may not have any special anti-hangover powers. As a stimulant, it could help with the grogginess.  Coffee is a diuretic, though, so it may exacerbate dehydration.  It’s always crucial to be awake and alert when you’re feeling miserable!!!  If you are looking to kill a couple birds with one stone there check out this right HERE for the most power full, and also weigh management coffee on the market!!!  I do vouch for this I use it daily.

  7. Vitamin B6 –  A study published over 30 years ago found that people had fewer hangover symptoms. If they tool a total of 1200 milligrams of vitamin B6 before, during and just after drinking to get drunk.  It was a small study and it doesn’t seem to have been replicated that I know of.  If you would like to to try this study for yourself or for a “Friend”. I would recommend this and would love to hear back!  From when I tried it I use THIS for my vitamin B6!

I hope that you have a wonderful week!!!