
What Felt Like a Long Time Ago

I can remember it like it was yesterday… Well to be specific it was actually Wednesday evening when I found myself staring straight into the face of fear…
To be honest the fear wasn’t really coming from my side of the story, but I can tell you that fear was present.  So as I hopped out of the shower the other day I happened to walk  by one of my window’s and I noticed I had a tiny friend who had fallen down my window well, and now filled with fear.

Help Has Arrived

Where I live there seems to be more than enough (seems like millions) of rabbits here that are located in South Fargo, North Dakota.  My backyard has tons of these little guys running and terrorizing the neighborhood leaving a number of people in fear. So I was not that surprised and this  wasn’t the first time that this has happened.  Anyway  so since I thought I better go and get this Little  Bunny FuFu out of my window well and back to safety since I’m sure that there are gardens that are way to peaceful without this little guy eating everything in sight.  There was no more fear in site…

Peeks and Valley’s

Anyway since I have been promoting peek life experiences on my You Tube Channel recently  I thought that making this guys day a little better, and out of fear would be something that would fit right in.  Since as much as we would like it to be it’s not alway about  us and doing things for others is what we should be focused on even if we don’t always agree with everything they do.  For instance eat my flowers and every other form of plants that I have around my residents.
So if you want to see fear then the Ultimate Battle Royal as myself and this beast toe to toe in my window well click BELOW to watch this short video of what  happens when I jump into the the Window well with this monster!!!