
Wine Sediment can I still drink this Red Wine…

Is Bottle Shock a Real Thing…

Molly Dooker Shake what to do with my Carnival of Love…

Do you remember the last time you found sediment problem with a bottle of wine that you just purchased? The term bottle shock when it comes to wine doesn’t sound good  No I’m not talking about the major motion film that came out in 2007 I remember when it came out with large and in change expectations.  I remember it was a good show.

The film is not what we are touching on today.  Bottle Shock is what happens usually shortly after the wine is bottled.   I this what happens when you find sediment in your newly purchased wine? We will also be talking about how to do the Molly Dooker Shake!

What is bottle shock?

Bottle shock usually happens during and shortly after wine is bottled.  All wine can be affected more often than not they are not though.  It’s rough agitation that can mute or otherwise disturb wine’s flavors and aromas.

The chemistry is poorly understood, through many winemakers will swear it happens.  Tannins, enzymes and other compounds realign themselves when the liquids get sloshed around, altering the taste and profile.  With in a few weeks after some much needed rest things go back to normal.

White wines that are denied oxygen as it goes into the bottle, a browning enzymes will take over and discolor over time making it appear darker than it really is.  This can be referred to as “pinking in the bottle”.  As the wine mingles with the trace amount of air in the bottle over time, the enzymes turns off and the wines original color becomes restored.

Cork or Screw Top

The question of cork vs. screw top, I have never found that there is evidence to support the claim that the cork sealed wine is more prone to bottle shock.  You will find opinions on both sides of the fence with this topic.

One other topic I have heard when referring to bottle shock is when the wine is transported.  Everything from the temperature being temperature controlled or not I have heard plenty of opinions on both sides.  Some thing that when transporting the wine the all the variable can shock the wine or bottle shock.

Is this a real thing

Do not to shake wine because of sediment. Just that it may shake or shock the bottle. This can make the wine even less enjoyable.  That is why when referring to the Molly Dooker Wines when I first heard about the Molly Dooker shake I was a little unsure if I should do it or not?

My most trusted wine reps was the one who brought the Molly Dooker Shake to my attention.  The reason for the Shake is because when bottling these fine wines Nitrogen is used in this process to cut down on the amount of Sulfates

Let me tell you why sulfates are used

Wine that is imported has to contain at least the proper amount of Sulfates.  This is for compliance reasons.  One of the main reasons that Molly Dooker uses nitrogen is to reduce the number of sulfates in their wine.  The reason for lower sulfates is.  Some people are allergic to them, and some people are just effected differently by them.  Hangover’s and dehydration have been linked back to sulfates. This is another very big part as to why nitrogen is used in the bottling process.

The major part of the use of nitrogen is that enhances the tannins aroma’s just to name a few of the characteristic that wine can have.  Nitrogen offers the wine to be able to take on different flavors and different characteristics that the normal bottling process can’t. This is just another option for people to have which makes the wine experience.  I would have to say in this instance more options are better.

What is the Molly Dooker Shake

The molly Dooker Shake is a process is part of the serving process.   What it consists of is first opening the wine.  Then pour out about a once and and half in a wine glass.  Then put the cap back on.  Turn the bottle upside down and shake it!  Turn it back up the way the bottle would normally sit.  Take the cap back off.  Pour out an additional once and a half into the same wine glass.  Put the cap back on .  Then turn the bottle back upside down and then shake it again.  After this turn it back the way the bottle would normally sit and get ready to serve.

As you do this process you will see a form on top of the wine.  This is a mixture of the shaking and the nitrogen. The wine is now trying to open up and trying to breath and come alive.  This is a special time this Carnival of Love is ready to Spread some laughter and Cheer!

Now serve out this incredible wine and enjoy!  Preferably with ones you love because this Carnival of Love is a treat!!!

For more of a visual example I attached a short Video Walking you though this process.

