
How to use a Corkscrew

The last thing that you want to do is to let a cork stand between you and a nice bottle of Vino!  There are many types of corkscrews. They come in all shapes and sizes please don’t let this discourage you.  Most all of them are way easier to use that you would think.  The technic is to drive the metal spiral into the cork and then pull the cork out.  Most wine keys (corkscrews) are winged corkscrews.  Sometimes you will run into some versions designed for traveling easier that can be used in times of need.  The main thing is take your time be gentle and try not to break the cork before removing it from the bottle that will only makes things a little harder.

My favorite type of wine key (corkscrew) is what is referred to in the service industry as a Bartenders Best Friend or Waiters Wine Key.  That name come from servers who use this device several times a day, or shift to open a bottle of wine or several for their tables.  This tool is more valuable than a pen.  We have all seen the very best servers who don’t even write down any of the orders that they take!

Here are the basic steps to operating the Bartenders Best Friend

  1. Open the wine key. – This tool has a couple of parts.  It has long metal spirals that are actually called the “worm”. The flatter portion that is usually referred to as the lever.  Depending on what kind you are using there will be a short blade.  The blade is used for cutting the foil of the that is covering the cork at the top of the bottle.  The spiral and the lever parts are usually folded into the handle.  Open and you’re ready to use!
  2. Twist the worm into the cork.  Drive the sharp tip of the worm slightly outside the center of the cork.  Then gently twist the medal spiral of the worm. As a result 6.5 turns and make sure that you don’t go all the way through the cork.  Sometimes the fold at the top will come right off by using your hand.  If this is not the case. Cut away the foil with the blade before driving in the worm.
  3. Place the lever against the bottle.  The flat lever on the wine key will have two curved indentations on it’s side. Position the lever so that the flat part is on the top of the glass on the wine bottle right next to the cork.  This is essential to provide leverage that will make it much easier to extract the cork.
  4. Rock and twist the cork slightly and start to remove it. Use very gentle side to side motions while pulling up on the handle slowly.  You may have to pivot your hand on the lever slightly as the cork begins to work out of the bottle.  Keep doing this until the cork come all of the way out of the bottle.


Other Tips:

  • Most Swiss Army knives have cork screws on them.  Get one HERE and carry with you and you will never have to worry about looking for a corkscrew!
  • Run hot water over the top of a bottle of wine for 25-35 seconds to make a stubborn cork easier to come out.


Wine Key

Winged Corkscrew 

Simple Corkscrew