

5 Tips for Making Valuable Connections

5 Tips for Making Valuable Connections

If you’re like me, meeting new people can sometimes be a daunting task. Networking doesn’t have to be so intimidating! I wanted to share some tips with you this week to ensure every connection you make brings some value to the table!

1. Be prepared!

If you’re networking, whether it’s a conference or another work-related event, people are going to ask what you do. Have an answer ready, and maybe even run through it a couple times in your head before you head out there! Your explanation for your work should be short and sweet, but effective. Make sure they know what you do, why you do it, and what they can learn from it!

2. Don’t hijack someone’s time

Yes, you’ll have some time to talk about yourself – but make sure you catch some details about who you’re talking to! Ask questions, find common ground, and make sure the conversation is a two-way street. Nobody wants to stick around to talk with someone who only focuses on themselves.

3. Try to touch on a topic other than work

Networking often exists in the work-only space. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Try to connect with someone based on something outside of work. A mutual favorite sports team, a shared hometown, or just something small that will make you stand out in that person’s mind is a great way to make a lasting connection!

4. Take a selfie!

A tip that I love to keep in mind is to create some kind of note about the connections you make. When I meet someone that I know I want to remember, I ask them if I can take a selfie with them! That selfie goes directly to their contact info with a few details about who they are and how I met them. It doesn’t have to be a selfie, but make yourself a little reminder about the people you want to keep in touch with!

5. Always remember to follow up

Making connections is great…unless you don’t do anything else with them! Always remember to follow up with the important people you run into. Keep the conversation going, and include them in the community you’ve built around yourself. This is the true test of networking – but once you get the hang of keeping in touch, it will grow your social circle and give you so much more value out of your relationships!