The most asked question that Iโ€™m asked isโ€ฆย 

What type of equipment do you use when making videos?ย 

When the reality is in some of my videosโ€ฆ

โ€ฆI use high end equipment with a nice backdrop, great lighting and all of the bells and whistles! Other days like today I will use something as simple as my iPhone to make videos. Other days I will use my computer!

It doesnโ€™t take much!ย  If you are using videos to post to social media, or Vlogging, or just doing a quick live video.

I want to share a couple quick tips and some training to help you with look AMAZING as well as Professional!!! These quick tips will help you to NOT have to figure this out using trial and error like I did


  1. Framing
  2. Stability
  3. Lighting
  4. Audio
  5. Set

Here I want to train what I mean with these tips:

  1. Framing: Always shoot in Landscape mode and not in Portrait mode!ย  No one wants to see the vertical video with the black lines on both sides of the screen it just doesnโ€™tโ€™ look professional!
  2. Stability:ย  No one wants to watch a shaky video. Make sure that you hold your phone with 2 hands at all times.ย  If you have a selfie stick, or stabilizer I would alway recommend that too especially on the go!ย  The last tip for stability that I would recommend would be to use a tripod.ย  Tripods have become very affordable and you can find them all over the place online. You can always count on a tripod to keep things stable even if youโ€™re alone!ย  These easy tips should keep you nice as well as classy in your videoโ€™s.
  3. Lighting: Can be one of the easiest things to get right. The number one tip that I have to say about this is to face the light!ย  Yes you can go out and get very nice lighting kits, and you can find them online too.ย  Just remember you can get by using a window or natural light. You just need to be facing it when you are filming!
  4. Audio: Can be simple too.ย  If you are filming inside make sure that you close your windows and close your doors. Do this so that there are no interruptions or distractions.ย  Make sure where ever your shooting make sure that itโ€™s quiet with no background noise.ย  One reason you want to make sure that there is no background noise. Is if youโ€™re uploading to You Tube or some other platform. Background noise is not only distracting, and you could find yourself in some copyright issues if something is playing that should not be.ย  If you are looking for a mic I am a big fan of the Yeti Micโ€™s. I use a Yeti Blue that attaches when Iโ€™m doing most of my videoโ€™s.
  5. Set:ย  The thing I canโ€™t stress the most is to keep it simple!ย  I know I have and most others who shoot videoโ€™s have told me that they have to just keep it simple.ย  Keep it easy that way itโ€™s always easy to do.ย  Keeping it simple and shooting these from my home made it so much easier to shoot videoโ€™s and do them consistently.ย  There will be times that you will want a complex set.ย  That way thingsย  look AMAZING however that doesnโ€™t have to be the case for all videos.ย  I find this most helpful when Iโ€™m trying to get videoโ€™s out fast and with good quality as well.ย  At the end of the day you want your audience to be listening to what youโ€™re saying and not whatโ€™s going on around you.

You Donโ€™t Need A Lot to Get Started at ALL

Thatโ€™s about all that you need to get started.ย  Yes you can invest in lighting and audio, and all the bells and whistles if you want.ย 

I would recommend to just get started using this quick tips and start shooting today!ย  Get your message out there and keep it simple you can always expand later.

Especially when you have even more people to talk to

Feel free to send me any videoโ€™s I will take a look and if I have any tips to help you improve I would be more than happy to help if I can!

I will attach a short video to this quick post below so that you can feel free to share this on any platform. Subscribe to my You Tube Channel I will drop all links below as well so that all of these things will be quick and easy.ย  Most importantly valuable as well.