Anthony Mark Hendrickson

Peak Life Experiences

Helping you reach your full potential

Time is free, but it’s priceless.  You can’t own it, but you can use it.  You Can’t keep it but you can spend it.  Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.

-Harvey Mackay



Hello, I’m Anthony Hendrickson.

I always love the “about me” page on websites like this because they’re written in the third person …even though they’re typically written by the the owner of the site.  So after Anthony Hendrickson made several attempts to sound smarter than he really is by writing about himself in the third person, he quickly abandoned that approach and decided to write this page like it was a letter to a friend.  Which …in many ways, it is.

Anyway – what do you want to know?

I’m 36 years old. I live in Fargo, North Dakota.  I adopted my nephews cat, Hershey Kiss for who knows how long ( I have never said this publicly before).  I’m guessing that’s not the kind of stuff you’re looking for.  You’re probably wondering,  Is This Guy Worth My Time And Attention?

For many readers, my answer is NO.

Here’s why:

  1. I can not help you get rich quick.
    For some reason, people equate “sell products on the Internet” to “get rich quick”.  I get it. That’s what attracted me to the Internet and working online.  I thought it would be easy money and I’d have thousands coming in every day … on autopilot.  Well, it wasn’t easy money.  I do have consistent revenue coming in every day …often on auto pilot …but it took lots of work, frustration, and perseverance to get there.  And it still takes work to keep it all running.  So if you’re not prepared to commit to roughly ten times more effort than you’re expecting, I’m not your guy.
  2. If you don’t want to advertise, you’re not going to enjoy my stuff. 
    No, I don’t sell advertising. But here’s why I’m telling you this.  Start going down the “Internet Marketing” rabbit hole, and you’ll see all kinds of ads and articles about free traffic, how to get rich by having other people promote your product, and all kinds of hype on the “latest loopholes” for “gaming the system”.  Does some of it work?  Probably. In the short term.  But if you rely on that, you don’t have a business. You have an income stream that’s supported by an unsustainable gimmick.  And that is a waste of time. If you want to waste time go see a movie. It’s more fun.
  3. If you’re looking for “The Easy Way”, I don’t want to help you. 
    It’s important you understand what I’m telling you.  I can help you, I just won’t. I’m capable of it, but I refuse to do it.  Why?  Because when I hear someone say, “What’s the easiest way”, what I’m really hearing is, “I’m not fully invested in the long term success of my own business …and am therefore not fully invested in the long term success of my customers.”  And that really translates to “I don’t want to work”.  Look, selling things on the Internet is HARD WORK. yes, when it’s all up and running, it can be just like you imagined: Passive revenue and money while you sleep.  But that takes HARD WORK to create and it takes HARD WORK to maintain.

You’re Still Here? Good.

Here’s what you can expect from me.

  • Actionable strategies and tactics you can use in your marketing right now, for free …which are usually followed by:
  • Blatant sales pitches.

Can you believe I just told you flat out that you’re going to receive blatant sales pitches from me?

Well, why wouldn’t I tell you?

I mean come on! We make our money by selling stuff. I will try to sell you something and I won’t be subtle about it.  However – it’s always preceded by really valuable strategies and tactics you can use immediately.  That’s free.  The idea is you’ll say, “Man, this free stuff really helped me. I think I’ll try the paid stuff.”  Pretty simple, right?  I call it the old “Demonstrate You Can Help Them By Actually Helping Them” trick.  Works like a charm.

But you still might be wondering … How Do I Know If Your Stuff Is Any Good?

Well, the smartest thing to do is to just get some of my free materials.  If you like it, you’ll probably like my trainings.  If you don’t like it, you won’t.  But I think I’m supposed to do the whole “self aggrandizing biography” thing now so here goes:

I started my “Internet Marketing” career in 2017 by selling MLM Products online.  At that time, I was selling them to anyone who would listen and I’d done an Internet search for “how to sell MLM Products Online” and come across an ad for an “Internet Marketing Video” from My Lead System Pro.  The investment was a $10 trial.  I must have read the sales letter for it 100 times before I bought it.

It was a good system, and somewhere there was one sentence that said something like, “It’s feasibly possible to make sales by talking to anyone with a pulse and sending tons of emails”.  My 34 year old brain translated that to mean, “You’ll get rich really fast if you send millions of unsolicited emails, and talk to anyone with a pulse” …which is exactly what I set out to do.  This was before that was illegal by the way. It was just …how do you say …”frowned upon”.

Anyway – it kind of worked. Kind of.  Did I make money? Yes.  Was it harder than doing it the “right” way?  Yes.  Anyway – by sheer luck, I discovered MLSP Tools and Trainings  about how to sell online.  I purchased the system and tools, listened to them, and was blown away.  Then I bought books about online marketing and read them. Then I bought books and courses on copywriting and read them.

And after what seemed like years of trial and error, I finally started to achieve real success online.  I was placing ads online to sell the training and tools to small online business owners, and when my business was moving forward, I decided to start teaching people how I was doing it.  And that’s how I got my start in marketing.

Fast forward to today and I’ve got customers and clients in just several parts of the world.

Here’s What I Will Help You With, Specifically

My main focus is to help you turn advertising into profit by using automation.  I also focus on your positioning – which is really a fancy way of saying, “Getting People To Like You Before You Try To Sell Them Something.”  (Know, Like and Trust) aka (Build, Engage, and Sell) I do this by showing you the best way to genuinely help your prospects before they see your pitch.

Here’s My First Sales Pitch To You:

Go to my home page and consume some of FREE Content on my site.  If you like them, sign up, for some of my free trainings.

If they help you, consider buying my stuff when I make you an offer.  Pretty simple, right?

Thanks for reading this page and get to work!

Anthony Mark Hendrickson

My Values & Beliefs

Exposed SHOCKING VIDEO: Uncover The 3 Network Marketing LIES they are telling you that are Keeping You BROKE!

“Combat the LIES and Finally Get Fresh Leads, Sales & Sign-Ups in YOUR Business (in the next 24 hours) Leveraging the Power of the Internet.

P.S. – ALL top earners Make Money from the 90% who say NO… and now you can too!



  1. Step #2 is the fastest way to build your Instagram account & get leads the second you open your account!
  2. Step #7 unveils her secret ninja strategy to get 2,000+ Instagram Followers in 7 days (100% duplicable)
  3. Step #10 exposes the application you can use to to spy on your competitors and legally swipe their followers!
  4. Enter your e-mail for INSTANT ACCESS

More Fans = More Leads, Customers, and Sales for YOUR Business!

Get Your First 1,000+ Fans… and a Free 3-Step ‘System’ to Turn Your New 1K Fans into Prospects, Customers, Sales & Sign-ups!

My Approach

I’m Anthony Hendrickson!

I’m often asked about my history and career as an entrepreneur, so I thought I share that with you here…

After the last couple of years as an entrepreneur, the lessons I’ve learned and connections I’ve made along the way are what allow me to help my students and clients grow faster than they ever thought possible, and avoid costly mistakes in the process.

Trust me I’ve already hired the wrong coached, and mentorship programs. There’s not reason for you to make the same mistake.  You know the ones that are always on time to send an invoice, but that’s really all that they were good at when working with others. 

Are they good marketers?  Well they claimed to be…  All I know is that there are more than enough coaches and coaching programs then there should be.  I don’t claim to be the best coach, and I never will.  What I can give to you is the results that you want, and not the title that I “think” that I need. 


Recommended Products

How to Get Fresh Prospects to Talk to TODAY about YOUR Opportunity, Get Sales & Sign-Ups, and Even Make Money From the 90% Who Say No!

This ‘Ultimate Attraction Marketing Bundle’ includes…68-page ‘all inclusive’ E-Book, 82-minute mp3 Audiobook, Roundtable Mastermind with 20 Top Earners.

WARNING: This is Only for Those Who Truly Believe in Their Products; Services, and are Ready to Become Top Earners in Their Businesses…

FINALLY Get Fresh ‘Pre-Qualified’ Prospects Daily and Automated Sales and Sign-Ups Without the Tech Headaches…

no website, no blog, and no ads required.

The training below reveals the EXACT Facebook Messenger & Manychat Messages She Used to Get 40+ Sign-Ups On Autopilot (So Simple ANYONE Can Do It!)

Get Instant Access to My Revised “3-Min Expert Blogging Program – Attraction Marketing Edition” for a Limited Time!

PLUS: 7 NEW Attraction Marketing Bonuses – All Worth Over $3,918 In Value!
PLUS: Get a Professional Self-Hosted WordPress Blog in 1 Click – 30 Days FREE

“Multi-Million Dollar Copywriter unveils his deadly copywriting Secrets that will help you print money right before your eyes!”

Get the MLM Superstar’s Recruiting Secret…

Ray Higdon’s Secret Sponsoring Formula he used to Recruit 28 People in 21 Days… and Became the #1 Earner in His Company!

Contact Me Today!

Anthony Mark Hendrickson
Phone: 701-561-9545
email: [email protected]
P.O. Box 11024, Fargo, ND 58106